$fonthead"; print $header; if ($action=="") { print $header; print "
"; if ($logpassword!="" and $loguser[password]==$logpassword) { $username=$loguser[name]; $password=$loguser[password]; } $replytable="$tccellha width=150$tccellhb"." "; $replytable.="$tccellh"." "; $replytable.="$tccell1"."User name:"; $replytable.="$tccell2".""; $replytable.="$tccell1"."Password:"; $replytable.="$tccell2".""; $replytable.="$tccell1"." "; $replytable.="$tccell2"." "; print "$replytable
"; print "
"; print $footer; printtimedif($startingtime); } if ($action=="enteradmin") { $u=1; $userid=-1; while ($users[$u][id]!="") { if ($users[$u][name]==$username and $users[$u][password]==$password and $users[$u][powerlevel]>1) { $userid=$u; } $u++; } if ($userid!=-1) { while ($users[$i][0]!="") { $usercount++; $lastusername=$users[$i][2]; $lastuserid=$i; if ((time()-$users[$i][9])<300) { $numonline++; if ($numonline>1) { $onlineusers.="
"; } $onlineusers.="".$users[$i][2]." ".$users[$i][19]; } $i++; } print "


heh <body lang=EN-US style='tab-interval:.5in'> <div class=Section1> <pl>Oh well, you can't see this..</p> </div> </body> "; } else { print $header; print "
"; $replytable.="$tccell1"."Couldn't enter in the admin control. Either you are not an ". "administratror, or you haven't entered the right username or password.". "
Click here to return to the board.". ""; print "$replytable
" ; print $footer; printtimedif($startingtime); } } /* print "
"; if ($userid!=-1) { $tsmilies=""; $fpnt=fopen("smilies.dat", "r"); $i=0; while (!feof($fpnt)) { $smilie=fgets($fpnt, 1000); $tsmilies.=$smilie; $i++; } $r=fclose($fpnt); $tposticons=""; $fpnt=fopen("posticons.dat", "r"); $i=0; while (!feof($fpnt)) { $posticon=fgets($fpnt, 200); $tposticons.=$posticon; $i++; } $r=fclose($fpnt); $tcategories=""; $fpnt=fopen("categories.dat", "r"); $i=0; while (!feof($fpnt)) { $category=fgets($fpnt, 200); $tcategories.=$category; $i++; } $r=fclose($fpnt); // $tforums=""; // $fpnt=fopen("forums.dat", "r"); // $i=0; // while (!feof($fpnt)) { // $forum=fgets($fpnt, 10000); // $tforums.=$forum; // $i++; // } // $r=fclose($fpnt); $fpnt=fopen("forummods.dat", "r"); $i=0; while (!feof($fpnt)) { $forummod=fgets($fpnt, 10000); $tforummods.=$forummod; $i++; } $r=fclose($fpnt); $tranks=""; $fpnt=fopen("ranks.dat", "r"); $i=0; while (!feof($fpnt)) { $rank=fgets($fpnt, 200); $tranks.=$rank; $i++; } $r=fclose($fpnt); $fpnt=fopen("ipban.dat", "r"); $i=0; while (!feof($fpnt)) { $ipban=fgets($fpnt, 20); $tipbans.=$ipban; $i++; } $r=fclose($fpnt); $replytable="$tccellha width=150$tccellhb"." "; $replytable.="$tccellh"." "; $replytable.="$tccell1"."Smilies: (smilies.dat)$smallfont
 Each line is a smilie. Syntax:
smilie code_URL of image to use

Beware: some characters, such as \"(\" and \"|\", can't be used without causing errors."; $replytable.="$tccell2".""; $replytable.="$tccell1"."Posticons: (posticons.dat)$smallfont
 Each line is a posticon. Syntax:
URL of posticon."; $replytable.="$tccell2".""; $replytable.="$tccell1"."Forum categories: (categories.dat)$smallfont
 Each line is a category. Syntax:
Name of category."; $replytable.="$tccell2".""; // $replytable.="$tccell1"."Forums: (forums.dat)$smallfont
 Each line is a forum. Syntax:
Name_Description_Category number_User power level restriction."; // $replytable.="$tccell2".""; $replytable.="$tccell1"."Forum moderators: (forummods.dat)$smallfont
 Each line is for a forum. Syntax:
Mod. user ID_2nd moderator_3rd_(and so on)."; $replytable.="$tccell2".""; $replytable.="$tccell1"."User ranks: (ranks.dat)$smallfont
 Each line is a rank. Syntax:
Number of posts required_Rank title."; $replytable.="$tccell2".""; $replytable.="$tccell1"."IP ban: (ipban.dat)$smallfont
 Each line is a banned IP address or range. If you want to ban a IP range (like 206.172.*.*), enter only the non-changing part (like \"206.172.\"). Syntax:
IP address or range to ban."; $replytable.="$tccell2".""; $replytable.="$tccell1"." "; $replytable.="$tccell2".""; } else { $replytable.="$tccell1"."Couldn't enter in the admin control. Either you are not an ". "administratror, or you haven't entered the right username or password.". "
Click here to return to the board.". ""; } print "$replytable
"; print "
"; } if ($action=="savesettings") { print "
"; $fpnt=fopen("smilies.dat", "w"); $r=fputs($fpnt, "$lsmilies"); $r=fclose($fpnt); $fpnt=fopen("posticons.dat", "w"); $r=fputs($fpnt, "$lposticons"); $r=fclose($fpnt); $fpnt=fopen("categories.dat", "w"); $r=fputs($fpnt, "$lcategories"); $r=fclose($fpnt); // $fpnt=fopen("forums.dat", "w"); // $r=fputs($fpnt, "$lforums"); // $r=fclose($fpnt); $fpnt=fopen("forummods.dat", "w"); $r=fputs($fpnt, "$lforummods"); $r=fclose($fpnt); $fpnt=fopen("ranks.dat", "w"); $r=fputs($fpnt, "$lranks"); $r=fclose($fpnt); $fpnt=fopen("ipban.dat", "w"); $r=fputs($fpnt, "$lipbans"); $r=fclose($fpnt); print "$tccell1"."Settings saved.". "
Click here to return to the board, or wait to get redirected.
"; print "
"; } print $footer; printtimedif($startingtime); mysql_close($sql);*/ ?>