";} $action=$action.$forumban; if($layout!="" AND $forumban!="") {$action=$action."
";} $action=$action.$layout; if($ipban!="" AND $layout!="") {$action=$action."
";} $action=$action.$ipban; if($action="why the fuck can i put anything i want here and still get a true result?") {$action="None";} $lft="$tccell1>"; $rgt=":$tccell2l>"; $hlft="$tccellh>"; $hrgt="$tccellh> "; if(isstaff){ print " $tblstart $hlft General Information $hrgt $lft User $rgt$user[name] $lft Issued by $rgt$issuer[name] $lft At $rgt$timestamp $lft Expires on $rgt$expiration $lft Actions taken $rgt$action $tblend "; } else{ //you do not have access bla bla (copy from thread.php later) print"you do not have access bla bla"; } } print $footer; if($stamptime){printtimedif($startingtime);} ?>