$smallfont"; $forums=mysql_query("SELECT id,title FROM forums WHERE minpower<=$power ORDER BY forder"); while($forum=mysql_fetch_array($forums)) $forumlist.=""; if($isadmin) $ip=" $tccell1>IP:$desc Search for user via IP, '%' is the wildcard (ex.: 206.172.% for 206.172.*.*) $tccell2l>$inpt=qip SIZE=15 MAXLENGTH=15>"; print " $header
$tccellh width=150>  $tccellh>  $tccell1>User name:$desc Enter the username of the user's posts you want to see (no wildcards). $tccell2l>$inpt=quser SIZE=25 MAXLENGTH=25> $ip $tccell1>Post:$desc Search for text in a post. '%' is the wildcard. $tccell2l>$inpt=qmsg SIZE=50 MAXLENGTH=200> $tccell1>Date:$desc Search within a date range. (mm-dd-yy format) $tccell2l> $radio=dopt value=0> All posts
$radio=dopt value=1 checked> Last $inpt=datedays SIZE=4 MAXLENGTH=4 VALUE=30> days
$radio=dopt value=2> From $inpt=d1m SIZE=2 MAXLENGTH=2>-$inpt=d1d SIZE=2 MAXLENGTH=2>-$inpt=d1y SIZE=2 MAXLENGTH=2> to $inpt=d2m SIZE=2 MAXLENGTH=2>-$inpt=d2d SIZE=2 MAXLENGTH=2>-$inpt=d2y SIZE=2 MAXLENGTH=2> $tccell1>Post ordering:$desc Disabling this can speed up the search a lot in some cases. $tccell2l>$radio=pord value=0 checked> Disabled   $radio=pord value=1> Oldest first   $radio=pord value=2> Newest first $tccell1>Forum:$desc Search within a forum. $tccell2l> $radio=fsch value=0 checked> All forums
$radio=fsch value=1> Only in $tccell1>  $tccell2l> $inps=search VALUE=Search> $tblend$footer "; printtimedif($startingtime); ?>