
57 lines
1.8 KiB

require_once 'lib/libs.php';
print $header;
if($id) {
$punishment=@mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM punishment WHERE id=$id"));
$user=@mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=$punishment[user]"));
$issuer=@mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT name FROM users WHERE id=$punishment[issuer]"));
$timestamp=date("m-d-y h:i A",$punishment[timestamp]+$tzoff);
$expiration=date("m-d-y h:i A",$punishment[expiration]+$tzoff);
if($punishment[ban] OR 1) {$ban="The user was banned.";}
if($punishment[forumban] OR 1) {$forumban="The user was forum banned.";}
if($punishment[layout] OR 1) {$layout="The user\'s layout was deleted.";}
if($punishment[ipban] OR 1) {$ipban="The user was ip banned.";}
if($forumban!="" AND $ban!="") {$action=$action."<br>";}
if($layout!="" AND $forumban!="") {$action=$action."<br>";}
if($ipban!="" AND $layout!="") {$action=$action."<br>";}
if($action="why the fuck can i put anything i want here and still get a true result?") {$action="None";}
print "
$hlft General Information $hrgt
$lft User $rgt$user[name]
$lft Issued by $rgt$issuer[name]
$lft At $rgt$timestamp
$lft Expires on $rgt$expiration
$lft Actions taken $rgt$action
//you do not have access bla bla (copy from thread.php later)
print"you do not have access bla bla";
print $footer;