import math class Coprocessor: def __init__(self, instructions): self.instructions = instructions self.pc = 0 self.finished = False self.registers = dict.fromkeys(['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h'], 0) def value(self, input_reg): if input_reg.isalpha(): return self.registers[input_reg] else: return int(input_reg) def is_prime(self, x): prime = False if x > 1: prime = True k = 2 n = math.sqrt(x) while k <= n and prime == True: if x % k == 0: prime = False k += 1 return prime def part1(self): mul_count = 0 while not self.finished: args = self.instructions[self.pc].split(' ') if args[0] == 'set': self.registers[args[1]] = self.value(args[2]) elif args[0] == 'sub': self.registers[args[1]] -= self.value(args[2]) elif args[0] == 'mul': self.registers[args[1]] *= self.value(args[2]) mul_count += 1 elif args[0] == 'jnz': if self.value(args[1]) != 0: self.pc += self.value(args[2]) - 1 self.pc += 1 if self.pc >= len(self.instructions) or self.pc < 0: self.finished = True return mul_count def part2(self): primecount = 0 start = int(self.instructions[0].split(' ')[2]) * 100 + 100000 for i in range(start, start + 17000 + 1, 17): if not self.is_prime(i): primecount += 1 return primecount with open("BScottDay23.txt") as f: instructions = solution = Coprocessor(instructions) print('Part 1 Answer: ' + str(solution.part1())) print('Part 2 Answer: ' + str(solution.part2()))