{include file="header.tpl" title="Modify User"}

Are you sure you want to perform this action?

Modify User

{if isset($error_message)}Error: {$error_message}{/if}
Field Value
Must be between 3-20 characters.
A package associated with this user.
{html_radios name=group_id options=$group_list selected=$user.group_id separator='
Email Address (optional):
A contact email address.
Is this user active? If this isn't checked they won't have access to anything.
Is this user an admin?

Access Rights

{foreach from=$user.access_list key=access_id item=access_item} {foreachelse} {/foreach}
Program Expires Actions
{$access_item.name} {if $access_item.expiration_time > 0}{$access_item.expiration_time|date_format:"%D %r"}{else}Never{/if} Remove Access Remove access
No access permissions found.
Add access.
{include file="footer.tpl"}